Monday, September 05, 2005

How we use our own software is a small company. We develop and sell tunneling software as well as provide tunneling service. We also provide software consulting services. In the latter role we often face various restrictions by corporate firewalls designed to protect employees from accessing internet protocols, other than http and from accessing certain web sites. I want to share some tips and tricks on how we use our tunneling service. They may be helpful to our users as well.

1. Some sites are blocked, typically useful sites such as yahoo mail or hotmail.
We use the following setup: use Internet Explorer without any modifications to access intranet and allowed sites. To access blocked sites we use Mozilla FireFox browser, configured to use Socks proxy, port 1080, all other proxy entries are left blank. This way traffic to blocked sites is tunneled through our gateway and typically goes through, intranet sites, frequently optimized for IE, are accessed without any problems, and, there is no reconfiguration involved. FireFox works very well with Socks proxy.
2. Remote control software clients, particularly VNC is blocked.
To access remote computer running VNC agent(TightVNC, UltraVNC, etc.) we use Port Mapper in socks2http: 5900->[computer ip address]:5900 TCP
Then all you need to do is to point your VNC client to
3. Instant Messengers are blocked.
We typically use Trillian IM client specifying socks proxy, port 1080 for all IM plugins: MSN, Yahoo, AIM